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Start Again. Again.

Start Again. Again.

Sometimes, the only way to move forward is by leaving everything else behind. Old ideas, old habits, and even old blogs can become part of our complacency, making it easier for us to be drowned in the noise of sameness, to accept the reality that every invention worth inventing has already been though of, or is clearly in sight, every idea worth having has already been had and written about and discussed.


To accept this would be to accept the further polarization of our society, not in economic terms, or in social terms, but in human terms. To believe that all thoughts have been had, necessarily means that all thoughts have been had by someone else, meaning someone else is responsible for thinking of everything. This creates a separation between those who create and those who consume, that has been accelerated – but not caused – by the internet and mobile devices. Indeed, looking at youtube or Facebook, it would seem clear that everyone is becoming a creator! Why am I here then? Why am I not there? Because there is a huge difference between creating entertainment, creating consensus, creating division, and creating thought. I'm here so that, if you are too, I can hopefully inspire you to think, without anyone tracking you, or making money off of you in the process.

I'm ready. How about you?

Think about it.

